11 American Musical Instruments You Should Know

Let’s go on a journey across America and explore the unknown. Some of the most widely used and most popular instruments ever made were invented here. They’ve set the stage for how everybody around the world experiences music today. Here are the American musical instruments you should know about! Electric Guitar The electric guitar is … Read more

Can Spotify Play MP3?

Are you wondering if Spotify can play MP3 or other file formats? This guide will help you understand what file formats you can play on Spotify, what audio formats Spotify uses as well as how to transfer music to your Spotify app. To begin, let’s answer the question. Can Spotify play MP3 files? Yes, Spotify … Read more

What is the Most Relaxing Sound?

These are the most relaxing sounds according to over 700 people on Reddit. When we wanted to find the most relaxing sound, there was no existing research that answered this. So we took it upon ourselves to compile data from 9 different Reddit threads, where people said what they thought was the most relaxing sound. … Read more